w/Apple, apricot, Agen plum prune & vanilla stuffing: 55% of prune pulp (pruneaux d'Agen, cane sugar, glucose, apples, apricot, gelling agent: fruit pectine, vanilla natural aroma), 45% pruneaux d'Agen, preservative: sorbic acid.
w/Apple, apricot & orange peel stuffing: 55% of prune pulp (pruneaux d'Agen, cane sugar, glucose, apples, apricot, gelling agent: fruit pectine, orange natural aroma), 45% pruneaux d'Agen, 8% candied orange zest, preservative: sorbic acid.
w/Apple, apricot & armagnac stuffing: Pruneaux d'Agen, cane sugar, glucose, apples, apricot, gelling agent: fruit pectine, 2% armagnac, preservative: sorbic acid.